Signature design project is your first choice if:
- you need unique interior design, which reflects your personality and which is different from typical interior solutions;
- you want to get a professionally designed interior for a reasonable price in a short period of time;
- you do not have desire or time to manage interior decoration by yourself: select furniture and interior items, communicate with suppliers.
The result of our work:
- Within 2-6 months you will get a bespoke interior thought out to the smallest detail. Elegant design will reflect your personality.
- Best prices from more than 50 suppliers.
- The space is fully equipped with everything you may need – from furniture to cutlery. The furniture and decor items will fit in the space and work together in harmony.
All you should do is just to move in!
Service includes:
- Plan of rooms with furniture arrangement.
- Collages with design concepts within two weeks.
- 2D and 3D (if necessary) interior visualisation.
- Shopping list of all interior items: furniture, light, decor, textiles, dishes, art objects (more than 50 suppliers, custom-made interior items if needed).
- Cost estimation for decoration.
- Project schedule.
- Purchase, delivery and arrangement of all decor items.
Work stages:
- Preliminary consultation. We find out your needs and tastes. We describe picture of the project: cost range for interior items, timeline, price of design studio services.
- Advance payment (50 % of CID services price).
- Detailed discussion of client interests and wishes, real estate parameters and its possible limitations.
- Measurement, photo and video shooting of premises and building.
- Preparation of two or three options of furniture and interior items layout/arrangement.
- Client’s approval of furniture and interior items layout/arrangement.
- Preparation of two or three collages with the proposed interior items.
- Client’s approval of the collages.
- Advance payment (25% of CID services price).
- Preparation of 2D and 3D interior visualisation.
- Client’s approval of 2D and 3D visualisation.
- Payment of the remaining 25% of the CID services price.
- Making a shopping list and cost estimation of interior items.
- Approval of cost estimation and project’s schedule.
- Advance payment for interior items delivery.
- Ordering of interior items from manufactures and suppliers.
- Payment of the remaining cost after CID’s verification of all items delivered to the stock.
- Delivery and arrangement of interior items.
Price and timeline:
From 1000 euro per room (excluding the cost of interior items).
Timeline: 2-6 months.